Are you seeking for new design techniques? Shift your focus to a Thai Local Wisdom

“Local Wisdom” may have more in common with construction techniques than you expected.
When it comes to architectural techniques, the first thing that many people think of (and which matches up to the image results on Google’s first page when you search for this word on Google) may be images of modern devices and technology that reflect a sense of progress in innovation.
When searching the word “wisdom,” Google displays images of the preservation of antique materials, which has been used for many years.
Are the local wisdoms and techniques in construction design that are used today truly different? For a number of creators, the answer is “NO.”
Wisdom or Technique
Material selection, wood joining, wood stencilling, and turning are all design and construction techniques that are still used today.

In a case of Mr. Supachai Keawthanong, he has integrated local wisdom methods from his hometown of Nakhon Sri Thammarat to develop many award-winning crafted works.
After receiving “The Winner Price of Innovative Craft Design Award 2015 by SACICT” for the work titled “Jark,” the concept originated from both the complex shapes of nature found in atap wisdom – and the handicraft techniques of making an aviary for spigots and doves from his locality, integrating to be a modern 3D product. He established Nakkhid Design Studio Co., Ltd to create southern local handicrafts under TIMA brand, which created many award-winning designs inspired by local craftsmanship.
In addition to local wisdom as a source of knowledge help create knowledge, local wisdom is also a cultural capital in terms of economic viewpoint. In an interview with The Cloud, he indicated that these local identities set his designs outstanding from others with different backgrounds and context which is related to the process, technique, of different traditional wisdom. These wisdoms can be developed to generate extra income such as in interior work for tourists.
Most importantly, he believes in the raw material potential that can be transformed into a contemporary aesthetic. Besides this, it generates identity from a distinct identity derived from the aforementioned identity.
From Takhian wooden house to a Boutique Guesthouse
The key concept that Tat Wattanamethee takes care of at “Baan Sangiam-Manee” is preserving the history of the wooden house and the Isan family.

Instead of abandoning it and allowing it to deteriorate without being inhabited, he realized that the old wooden house in Sakon Nakhon could be renovated for preservation.

The renovation has only changed the way this 66-year-old three-story house is used. It has been transformed from a simple wooden family home to a “Boutique Guesthouse + Craft Cafe’ & Library.”
The original proportions, shapes, and materials have been preserved, despite the fact that the structure has been strengthened to accommodate new applications.
Likewise, “Baan Suan Suksamai,” a detached house for six retired and working residents designed by Chancher, a service provider in home design, garden design, interior design, and all types of architectural designs, whose design concept is the use of space in the Thai Isan style, airy, comfortable, and private.
In contrast to Mr. Supachai Kaewthanong’s work, which reflects the local Isan more than the local southern.
What both Mr. Supachai Kaewthanong and Mr. Tat Wattanamethee have in common is the importance of local wisdom in creative designs or renovations.
At Architect Expo 2022, the two designers will present their “Co-creation” working style and their creative and outstanding workpiece in the Professional Collaboration Exhibition between architects and creators from other professions
Apart from the collaboration of Supachai Keawthanong and Tat Wattanamethee, there are many other architects and creators such as iPhone photographer and environment-oriented architect or Arts lecturer and architect to provide innovative and spectacular architectural works at Architect Expo 2022 which will take place on 26th April – 1st May, 2022 at Challenger Hall, IMPACT Muang Thong Thani. For those who are interested in space reservation, please visit our website at or contact us at +66 02-717-2477 and [email protected]