Leading interior work’s showcase along with professional development activities: Theeranuj Karnasuta Wongwaisayawan, one of the co-organizing chairmen from TIDA

Architect’23 has officially revealed its concept of “Tum Tad: Time of Togetherness,” which is the first time knowledge from all fields of architecture has been combined with the collaboration of five professional organizations, namely the Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage (ASA), Thailand Interior Designers’ Association (TIDA), Thai Association of Landscape Architects (TALA), Thai Urban Designers Association (TUDA), and Architect Council of Thailand (ACT). What actions will each organization take? How does each of the professional fields function? All five co-organizing chairmen will share with you in the five following interviews before the exposition will be launched in a few months.

Experiencing a great exhibition or learning from experienced architects is valuable to interior design profession. At Architect’23, Theeranuj Karnasuta Wongwaisayawan, one of the co-organizing chairmen from Thailand Interior Designers’ Association (TIDA) and Managing Director of Interior Architect 49 (IA49), revealed that numerous exhibition booths and activities have been arranged to inspire all participants who are interested in interior design.
Dessert to fulfil Tum Tad
“To be honest, interior designs are not compulsory if architecture is a key man. Similarly, when we have a meal, we can be full without having dessert, but dessert fulfills our meal. That’s it! Thus, collaboration between architects and interior designers is defined as beyond perfection.”
The collaboration of all professional fields this time, Khun Theeranuj sees TIDA as “Iced Dessert” or “Ruam Mit, which is in line with the concept of “Tum Tad: Time of Togetherness”. This concept implies a large collaboration of architectural professional organizations and Thainess, which differs from previous years in which the concept title was always named in English. Besides that, it plays with Tum-Time homonyms. Although it is not a direct translation, the meaning of the name in both languages is well aligned.
When asked about working collaboratively with other architects, Khun Theeranuj said on behalf of an interior designer, “it’s almost as thick as thieves.” The work must be coordinated with all professions, including architects, interior designers, landscape architects, and many others. “As usual, there will be some conflicts, one person outside-in, one person inside-out, we share and listen to each other, and we use our abilities to get the best out of work.”

Exhibitions – Seminars – Parties with fully provided activities
Those who participated in Architect Expo more than ten years ago may be familiar with TIDA from the “TIDA Salone” exhibition, where TIDA recruited great interior designers to participate in the exhibition and satisfied all visitors with their great performance. The good news is that Khun Theeranuj has confirmed TIDA Salone will return to Architect’23.

“It’s a designer showcase. Many years ago, a designer collaborated with a material supplier and another contractor to create various showcase rooms.” “We’re going to try something new this time, but related to the Tum Tad concept, which hopefully satisfies all visitors as always. More information is still being kept under wraps!”
TIDA also hosts the ten-year-old TIDA Thesis Awards, which is a student thesis competition submitted by universities each year. We will bring all those thesises to the Architect’23, along with TIDA Awards, which offer to professional architectures and are judged by qualified interior architecture professionals as well as experts from other fields.
Furthermore, TIDA has a TIDA Talk activity for those who are interested in interior design work in terms of perspectives or a work process of TIDA, as well as academic seminars with specific issues for designers.
With so many exhibitions and activities, TIDA also has a TIDA Lounge, a service space where visitors can be chillaxing as well as enjoying an ice cream. Besides, the distribution of souvenirs is also available nearby.
Finally, Khun Theeranuj secretly whispered that there will be “An Evening with TIDA” that will definitely have something special to surprise.

The present and future of Interior design and sustainable issues
One feature of the exhibits will be a focus on sustainability issues. “One of the messages that we intend to communicate to the people, whether they are from the profession or not, is sustainability because the world we live in now has been sick for a long time,” Khun Theeranuj said. How will our children survive in this world? As a result, a Net Zero campaign is launched with the goal of producing fewer and fewer greenhouse gas emissions. I would appreciate it if all designers were aware of this issue.”
“I believe the exposition is a good opportunity for the younger generations and adults because they can ask questions and begin to have doubts, and then they can apply their own questions to create their work.” According to the Zero Waste Exhibition concept, TIDA’s zone will provide you with a place where you can donate all parts for further use, Khun Theeranuj added.
The ASEAN’s Largest Building Technology Exposition “Shouldn’t miss out!”

Khun Theeranuj sees 35 years of Architect Expo as a sustainable growth. Personally, I am proud that the Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage (ASA) organized and developed this event to the point where it is now well-known as ASEAN’s largest building technology exposition. If it were a kite, it would catch in the upper air. “I hope that every generation of managers will continue to develop this architectural work indefinitely.”
For people in the design profession in all fields, what they will get from attending Architect’23 is collaboration. The integration of all architectural professions’ skill sets produces good results for the people, as well as positive effects on society and the country.”
The visitors will have knowledge and understanding of the selection of materials/products that contribute positively to society. “Any supplier who misses Architect’23 is considered outdated because it is the first time that we integrate all fields, and each field has a specific supplier. “Wood, stone, tile, laminate, furniture, and other materials or products are frequently used in interior design.
“Architect Expo attracts a large crowd. Some came to look for inspiration for their own home. Some of the participants are project developers who came to observe the expo. The rest could be designers looking for items for their own projects.”
“Following the release of the Key Visual, I’m sure many people are wondering what these architects are up to with four architectural associations and one architect council. Discover what we have to offer at Architect’23.”
Architect’23 is scheduled to be held during 25 – 30 April, 2023 at Challenger Hall, IMPACT Muang Thong Thani. For those who are interested in space reservation, please visit our website at https://architectexpo.com/2023/en/about-the-expo/#space-reservation or contact us at 02-717-2477 and Email: [email protected]